Western Tanager

Sales price $55.00
Sales price without tax $55.00

Western Tanager

With its red head, yellow neck and underparts strikingly contrasted against its black back the Western Tanager is a bright ray of sunshine. First recorded by the Lewis and Clark expedition, it is found gleaning for insects in western woodland and pine forests, but can be  attracted to your bird feeder by a diet of fruit.  It has been observed as far south as Panama and and as far north as Alaska. 

  The western tanager measures 6.25 from head to tail, is 4.25 inches from head to foot and has an overall height of 6.75 inches.   All of our life-sized birds are carved from bass wood, are hand-feathered to show detail and painted with acryllic paint. The eyes are glass, feet are metal and base is wood.

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Friday, 29 April 2016
I ordered The Western Tanager and it is just beautiful! It looks just as it appears online, I love it!! Thank you so much! Best, Alyson
Alyson Muse